WCSPT Congress - BERN 2026
14 december 2024 -
See you in Bern with our Dear Swiss Colleagues
SAVE THE DATE - 4-5 december 2026.
8 december 2024
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2nd Federal Congress of Sport Physiotherapy
3 juli 2024 - On November 16, 2024, the 2nd Federal Congress of Sports Physiotherapy will be organized in Leuven, at the Faculty of our KUL Colleagues.
Faculteit Bewegings en Revalidatiewetenschappen
Tervuursevest 101
3001 Leuven
We thank them, very sportingly.
We invite you to regularly consult the website, to obtain all the information relating to the program and registration procedures.
This year, the number of places will be limited to offer a full afternoon of practical workshops. If you are a BFSP member, a special effort on the registration cost is offered. Do not hesitate.
14 mei 2024 - 2024 BFSP - Wetenschappelijke uitwisseling 2 - BFR-techniek en spierhypertrofie Ewoud Jacobs behaalde zijn Master of Science in de
Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie aan de Universiteit Gent Online - Team, 20:00. Registratie verplicht via eventix met de link: Lees meer...
Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie aan de Universiteit Gent Online - Team, 20:00. Registratie verplicht via eventix met de link: Lees meer...
Sport-related concussion: Research trends and clinical implications
19 maart 2024 - Montreal University, Canada - Géraldine Martens, INC Québec, Canada - Suzanne Leclerc. PQK accreditation in waiting. Registraties :
Vergeet uw bijdrage 2024 niet
1 maart 2024 -
Publicatie SB
27 februari 2024 - Staatsblad van vrijdag 23/02/24:
18 JANUARI 2024. - Koninklijk besluit tot wijziging van het koninklijk besluit van 25 april 2014 tot vaststelling van de lijst van bijzondere beroepsbekwaamheden voor kinesitherapeuten
22 JANUARI 2024. - Ministerieel besluit tot vaststelling van de bijzondere erkenningscriteria waarbij de kinesitherapeuten gemachtigd worden zich te beroepen op de bijzondere beroepsbekwaamheid in de sportkinesitherapie
Lokk - Optimisation of patellar tendon loading in sports rehabilitation
25 januari 2024 - KUL - Michiel Haegen. PQK Accreditation.
President Editorial - Prof.E.Witvrouw
1 januari 2024 - Editorial Erik Witvrouw
As we mark the fifth anniversary of the Belgian society of sports Physiotherapy in its current form and the ABCIG sports physiotherapy, it is a moment of reflection, celebration, and anticipation for the future. Over the past half-decade, the field of sports physiotherapy has witnessed remarkable progress, transforming the way we understand, prevent, and treat injuries in athletes. This milestone not only commemorates the achievements of the past but also serves as a launching pad for the promising innovations that lie ahead.
The evolution of sports physiotherapy over the last five years has been nothing short of extraordinary. From cutting-edge technological tools to revolutionary rehabilitation techniques, the field has embraced innovation at every turn. The BFSP has played an important role in disseminating this new information to the working field of the sports physiotherapists and will continue to play this key role.
One of the most significant strides in the past five years has been the integration of technology into sports physiotherapy practices. Wearable devices, smart sensors, and data analytics have become invaluable tools, providing real-time insights into an athlete's or patient’s performance, health, and recovery. This synergy of technology and sports physiotherapy has not only optimized training regimens but has also allowed for the early detection and prevention of potential injuries.
The emphasis on personalized and precision medicine has also entered the world of sports physiotherapy and can be postulated as a hallmark of the past five years. Tailoring treatment plans to an individual athlete's unique physiology, psychology, movement patterns and lifestyle has resulted in more effective interventions and faster recovery times. This shift towards individualized care has not only improved outcomes but has also set the stage for a more holistic approach.
Looking forward, the future of sports physiotherapy appears even more promising. The continued integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is anticipated to revolutionize injury prediction and prevention. AI algorithms analyzing vast datasets can identify patterns and risk factors that may not be apparent through traditional methods. This predictive capability will empower athletes and their medical teams to take proactive measures to avoid injuries before they occur.
The next five years in sports medicine will likely witness a more seamless integration of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies. These immersive technologies can be utilized for both rehabilitation and training purposes, providing athletes with realistic scenarios to enhance their skills and aiding in the recovery process.
In conclusion, as we celebrate the achievements of the past five years of BFSP, we stand on the cusp of a transformative future. The convergence of technology, personalized physiotherapy and innovative therapies promises to redefine the landscape of sports physiotherapy, ushering in an era where injuries are not just treated but prevented with unprecedented accuracy. As we look ahead, the commitment to the well-being of athletes remains unwavering, and the journey towards excellence in sports physiotherapy will always be the primary goal of the BFSP and will be continued in the next five years with newfound vigor and optimism.
Information - UCL Certificat en kinésithérapie du sport
1 september 2023 -